Almost every Tuesday, I go in to work, then go to a small group Bible study, and then: Goodwill. Yippee skippee! :)
I've been wanting to be a better blogger and I realized that I could document the things I find on Tuesdays. And then when they get placed, hung up, painted, etc I can post those too. So without further ado.
This little guy is sooo cute! I want a boy like this in real life. :)
These hydrangeas came in a basket that I wasn't totally excited about, but I like them in this box. It's almost a hat box, but held a teapot I got for my birthday.
Don't you love this as a pencil cup? I've been wanting a sweet one for the office and I think this is just the ticket! 0.75!!
I also got this print (which is 16x20 and still in plastic) for 1.99 oh I mean 1.60! :) It may go with my others, if I find a frame for it. (you can't really see it but there is a tiny ladybug on one of the leaves!!)
My favorite part of Goodwill is going through the books and getting books to read for smokin prices! I love pretty books, but for 1.99 or less, I will go with a not as beautiful cover. Especially since I just want to read these ones. :)
And that little owl? Goodwill find a few months back. He may be my favorite find of all time. Such a cheeky little owl.
And there you have it. Today's Tuesday Treasures. :)
Wow, Caryn some stuff is at goodwill for a reason. Just kidding, today is Tuesday. What are you gunna find today?